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EISF SHX and EIFA SHX instrumentation cables are intended for control and instrumentation circuits, for signal, monitoring and data processing systems and for analogue or digital data transmission, all in industrial electronics applications, allowing particularly for conditions met in chemical, petrochemical and paper industries.

The cables are protected by an overall electrostatic shield against external electric interferences.

Shielded pair structure substantially decreases mutual influence between signals transmitted along the cable.

Steel tape armour in EIFA SHX cables offers enhanced protection against mechanical damages and rodent attack.

The cables can also be used for power supply to small auxiliary devices on condition that current-carrying capacity limit (see our Technical Guide) is not exceeded.

The cables are suitable for fixed indoor and outdoor installations.

The cables are flame retardant and their smoke emission is low, emitted fumes are non toxic and non corrosive.

The cables are oil-resistant and offer enhanced resistance to aliphatic hydrocarbons.


-    bare annealed copper wire conductors,

                05 – 0.50 mm2 (1x0.8 mm),

                09 – 0.88 mm2 (7x0.4 mm)

                15 – 1.50 mm2 (7x0.52 mm),

-    insulation made of cross-linked halogen free compound,

-    insulated conductors twisted into,

                pairs IP   - colour code insulation: white and red,

                triads IT   - colour code insulation: white, red and blue,

-    pair/triad electrostatic shield incorporating aluminium-polyester tape and stranded annealed tinned copper drain wire, cross-section 0.22 mm2 (7x0.2 mm),

-    sheath of shielded pairs/triads made of cross-linked halogen free compound, blue (RAL 5012), other colours also available and printed black number of pair or triad,

-    shielded and sheathed pairs or triads laid-up in layers,

-    cable core wrapped in polyester tape,

-    overall electrostatic shield incorporating aluminium-polyester tape and stranded annealed tinned copper drain wire, cross-section 0.22 mm2 (7x0.2 mm), number of drain wires from 1 to 3 depending on the cable core diameter,

-    cable sheath made of cross-linked halogen free compound, blue (RAL 5012), other colours also available,

-    steel tape armour for EIFA SHX cable,

-    cable covering made of cross-linked halogen free compound, blue (RAL 5012), other colours also available.


DC loop resistance at 20°C, maximum:

      0.50 mm2 conductor                     75.0 Ω/km

      0.88 mm2 conductor                     42.8 Ω/km

      1.50 mm2 conductor                     24.2 Ω/km

Resistan ce unbalance,maximum:

      0.50 mm2 conductor                     1.120 Ω/km

      0.88 mm2 conductor                     1.070 Ω/km

      1.50 mm2 conductor                     0.605 Ω/km

Operating voltage Uo/U                     300/500 V

Voltage test

      conductor/conductor                    2500 V rms

      conductor/screen                        2000 V rms

Insulation resistance, minimum          500 MΩ·km

Mutual capacitance, max (this value may be 30% higher for one pair or triad):

      0.50 mm2 conductor                    210 nF/km

      0.88 mm2 conductor                    230 nF/km

      1.50 mm2 conductor                    220 nF/km

Operating temperature range
      during operation                    from - 30 to + 90°C
      during installation                  from   - 5 to + 70°C

Minimum bending radius              15 x cable diameter

Corrosivity of emitted gases         very low, halogen free

per                                PN-EN 60754-1, PN-EN 60754-2, IEC 60754-2

pH appr.                         6.8

conductivity appr.            0.4 µS/mm

Smoke density                low smoke density, PN-EN 61034-2, IEC 61034-2

light transmittance, minimum               70 %

Resistance to aliphatic hydrocarbons     NF M 87-202 Annex A

Oil resistance                              PN-EN 60811-404

Cable combustibility                     flame retardant

Combustibility tests                     PN-EN 50265-2-1, IEC 60332-1-2, PN-EN 60332-3-24, IEC 60332-3-24

Reference standards                   NF M 87-202

The cable meets requirements of the low voltage directive 2014/35/EU

TECHNOKABEL S.A. reserves the right to change specifications without prior notice.